Interior Design Styles

The style of the interior means a set of basic features, design techniques and elements of furniture which create special harmony in a particular style. Styles were born, were in favor, becoming the mainstream of a particular era and went into the shadows. There are a lot of original styles in the interior design: constructivism and minimalism, modernism, classicism, provence, country, ethno and Scandinavian styles. It’s not a complete list of the styles, which were existed and continue to exist in the art of design and artistic culture. Also, many styles are divided into movements. There can be different variations in the interior design that will harmoniously fit for the interior of your home. Many designers combine features of different styles in order to create interesting and original interiors. Our articles will help you catch the essence of many interior styles, understand their original features.

Suprematism in the Interior. The Main Features of the Style

Suprematism in the Interior. The Main Features of the Style
Today we want to acquaint you with interesting tendency in interior design – Suprematism. Recently, it has become increasingly popular. We are going to guide you through the history...

The Fusion Style in Interior

The Fusion Style in Interior
The Fusion style is considered as a real “bully” interior design. It combines things that are opposite at first sight. Fusion appeared in the 80s of the last century...

Modern Japanese Aesthetics in the Interior Design

Modern Japanese Aesthetics in the Interior Design
Modern Japanese interior style combines asceticism and comfort. Japanese style was at the height of popularity just recently. However, designers have refused from caricatural copying of traditional ethnic patterns in...

Country-Style Interior

Country StyleInterior
We have chosen country style as a topic for this article as consider its unobtrusive and natural character to be quite valuable at times of progress. It is possible...

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