The famous designer and architect Giancarlo Zema developed unique floating house “WaterNest 100”. This 98 percent the house is secondary raw materials which can also be recycled. Floating house is the project of the future. According to the author, global sea level will continue to grow up and the suddenly in some moment people won’t have the land for living. The total area of the house is 100 square meters with a radius of 25 meters and height about four meters. Two balconies with the amazing panoramic views are on the sides of the top of the “nest”. Also solar panels occupies 60 square meters of the roof. On the other hand, it could be not only the house. Thus, the house is multifunctional: a lounge bar, office, restaurant, exhibition hall, or even a retail store. Anyway, designer is sure that it will have the great practical value in the future.

WaterNest 100 - Floating House by Giancarlo Zema 1

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Photo Gallery: WaterNest-100 – Floating House by Giancarlo Zema